Lifecycle of a Grant

Year 1
August 2024: Applicants notified of grant award or declination.
August - September 2024: Year 1 grant funds and award letters disbursed.
October 2024 - June 2025: Site visits scheduled, if necessary.
October 2024 - June 2025: Organization keeps local Trustees and Executive Director notified of any requested changes to their grant agreement.
July 2025: Year 1 Grant Report due.
Year 2
August 2025: Year 2 grant funds and award letters disbursed.
September 2025 - May 2026: Organization keeps local Trustees and Executive Director notified of any requested changes to their grant agreement.
June 2026: Year 2 Final Report due.
Logos and Promotion
In the event that your organization acknowledges its supporters, please include the Horner Foundation. We request acknowledgment of the Foundation’s funding on organizational websites, social media platforms, and promotional materials.
Please email the Foundation's Grants Manager, Rachel Costello, to request the logo: rcostello@pembrokephilanthropy.net
Privacy Statement
Privacy Statement
We are committed to protecting the privacy and accuracy of confidential information. The Foundation does not fundraise and we strive to align activities with community-based needs and priorities. We do not re-distribute or sell information collected as part Granting or Administrative Process.
The Foundation will not disclose, without your consent, information collected about you or your organization. However, successful Grantees are required to consent* to the sharing of project-related details for promotional and reporting purposes.
*except for certain explicit circumstances in which disclosure is required by law.