Greater Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
2017 Funding Statement for Victoria (view here)
Funding Stream: Food-Based Youth Development
Home is Where We Live - LifeCycles Project Society
Grant Project: Growing Schools
Funding Details: $10,500 USD per year for two years
We envision healthy, local food on the plates and minds of all students in Greater Victoria. Growing Schools will develop LifeCycles’ capacity to support Middle and High Schools in creating sustainable, school run outdoor food gardens that integrate native plants, wildlife habitat and abundant food production. Through a direct relationship with the land, participants will experience multiple connections between food, health and community. Our program will directly support nine school communities over two years, enabling them to maintain and use healthy, diverse gardens as outdoor learning grounds. We will also provide consultation and professional development for educators and youth leaders.
Victoria Association for Community Living
Grant Project: Enhancing Food Literacy for Youth and Young Adults with Developmental Disabilities and Austism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Funding Details: $14,300 USD per year for two years
A significant number of individual with developmental disabilities and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are unemployed in Canada and as a result they experience high levels of poverty and food insecurity. This project aims to address these issues through food-security focused programming and employment skills training. Specifically, the project has two main objectives: 1) expand CLV's food security programming created in the last two years with Horner Foundation funding ; and 2) develop an adapted food skills course specifically designed for people with developmental disabilities and ASD as the food industry is the largest employer of people in this demographic.
Pacific Centre Family Services Association
Grant Project: Skookum Skillz Employment Program
Funding Details: $9,800 USD per year for two years
The mission of Skookum is to provide a safe and supportive environment that creates opportunities for youth to gain employment experience and life skills while contributing to the development of a sustainable, food secure communtiy. PCFSA operates Skookum Food and Coffee in order to address the needs for youth in the community and to support local food security planning and networking. PCFSA is investing in this program and requesting grants for this stage of development to support the continued development of this program over two years into a sustainable social enterprise.
Downtown Blanshard Advisory Committee (Quadra Village Community Centre)
Grant Project: Food Skills for Youth
Funding Details: $6,500 USD per year for two years
The Food Skills for Youth Program (FSYP) aims to connect youth with healthy eating choices, work experience and life skills while having fun and working as part of a team. Youth will be taught the basic skills they need to run a food cart and cook healthy meals for their families while enhancing their employability skills and leadership skills by tailoring opportunities based on developmental needs/stages of the youth participants. The FSYP fits with the Horner Foundation mission statement and grantmaking priorities by providing opportunities to learn about food, gain employment skills, build a sense of community and enhance their skills by experiencing a diversity of quality learning styles and frameworks.
The Board of Education of SD62 Sooke
Grant Project: West Shore Centre for Learning: Growing Youth Empowerment with Food at WestShore Centre
Funding Details: $13,000 USD per year for two years
As District #62’s Alt-Ed public high school, our mandate is to provide accessible experiential learning opportunities for youth who have challenges obtaining graduation through regular public schools. We are expanding our curriculum to be more reflective of First People’s Principles of Learning and we are seeking funding to support the increase of students who can engage in food sustainability skill building within outdoor environments. With funding, we can increase community benefits and student involvement of our Colwood campus garden, the number of meaningful student interactions with First Nations knowledge keepers, and the number of opportunities to bring students together to build relationships using food sharing as a focus.
Scis'new (Beecher Bay) First Nation
Grant Project: Scis'new Youth Field Team
Funding Details: $12,000 USD per year for two years
The Sc’ianew Field Team empowers youth to learn modern cooking/harvesting techniques and gives them a space to rediscover ancient traditions which have enabled their peoples to flourish for thousands of years on this coast. The team and community emphasis on relationships coupled with the mastery of skills which facilitate independence create a momentum which naturally leads to generosity. Our youth engage in activities that promote healthy relationships, healthy bodies, and positive mental health through Health and Science related activities. This afterschool youth program focuses on inspiring out of the box learning on science, ecology, traditional food systems, healthy habits, and learning techniques. In a short time this program has reinvigorated the knowledge that the youth will move this Nation forward from the ground up.
Public Health Association of BC
Grant Project: Farm 2 School BC: Harvest4Knowledge
Funding Details: $19,800 USD per year for two years
Harvest4Knowledge brings native plant and traditional food knowledge into the minds, hearts and bellies of children and youth. Each year, nine schools from across the Capital Region will receive grants to plant native plant, build medicine wheels, harvest traditional foods, and connect with elders and knowledge keepers. Students will also get the opportunity to eat traditional foods into their classrooms, lunch or breakfast programs. Finally, the Harvest4Knowledge will continue to build the Farm to School Network, bringing indigenous ways of knowing into the network through a community of practice and working alongside Lekwungen community members.
Songhees Nation Education Services
Grant Project: The Living Lab Project
Funding Details: $12,000 USD per year for two years
This Living Lab Project proposal will support Songhees engagement through: One; Songhees youth participation in water testing and biodiversity/ food security - learning activities on their traditional territories, Two; Songhees Nation (youth, educators and elders) design and production of on-line and print educational resources including a community map, storytelling platform and multilingual (including Lekwungen) biodiversity field guides and Three; development of an ongoing ‘Community of Practice’ for the core Living Lab Team, SAYL and Project Advisory and inviting other partners as appropriate.
Grant Project: Capital Region Food and Agriculture Initiatives Roundtable (CRFAIR): Youth Flavour 2.0
Funding Details: $16,000 USD per year for two years
Youth Flavour 2.0 works to create a lasting way to bring youth vision, voices and energy to food systems change efforts in the Capital Region. The VCFHS a charity that works hand in hand with CRFAIR and the many partners of the Good Food Network to work towards healthy, just and sustainable food systems in the Capital Region. We are working to improve food access and food literacy through the Good Food 2025 Strategy. It is a priority of this strategy to increase youth voices and participation in collaborative planning and direct activities that build food access, and food literacy in the Capital Region. A key element of this is building youth leadership and activism around food. The Youth Food Action Team (YFAT) is a key youth led vehicle to train, mobilize and engage high school aged youth in the Capital Region. In addition we engage older youth through community based research and internships with community food organizations.
Funding Stream: Youth Worker Leadership
Psychology Foundation of Canada
Grant Project: Helping Youth Manage Stress: Tools for Resiliency
Funding Details: $5,000 CAD per year for two years
Learning to manage stress is a crucial aspect of a young person’s mental health and resiliency, and an essential life skill. So too are the relationships that youth have with caring adults, including parents and youth service providers. This project is intended to support youth service providers and parents/caregivers across Greater Victoria. The Psychology Foundation of Canada in collaboration with youth and families service providers, will help strengthen youths’ stress management skills so that they can thrive in today’s exciting, stress-filled world. In turn we will also be strengthening the organizational capacity required for sustaining efforts across the various programs.
Community Social Planning Council of Greater Victoria
Grant Project: Youth Program Quality Initiative
Funding Details: $23,300 USD per year for two years
YPQI is an innovative regional initiative that supports healthy youth development by building the capacity of Organizational Background and Information. Greater Victoria’s community youth sector to deliver quality programming that meets youth outcomes. YPQI Trainers provide career enhancing leadership and professional development opportunities for youth workers. Nearly 50% of YPQI participants are youth themselves (age 19-25). Participating youth serving organizations are paired with a YPQI Coach who guides youth program teams through a validated ‘assess, plan, improve’ process. YPQI Site Certification launched in September 2017 will officially recognize non-profit organizations for their commitment to the YPQI process for enhancing youth program quality.
Downtown Blanshard Advisory Committee (Quadra Village Community Centre)
Grant Project: Youth Service Provider Network & Helping Youth Programs Excel (HYPE) Conference
Funding Details: $8,000 USD per year for two years
The YSPN and HYPE address the need of professional development in the youth field. It provides free or low cost training that enhances the skills of youth workers and youth programs through ongoing workshops and networking opportunities. This not only helps youth service providers but also helps community organizations keep their staff up-to-date with best practices and learnings based on what is happening in our community. The purpose of this proposal is to hire a Coordinator to plan, facilitate and implement the YSPN (Youth Service Provider’s Network) meetings and the HYPE (Helping Youth Programs Excel) Conference. These two projects fit within the Horner Foundation mission statement and grantmaking priorities by providing youth service providers with professional development opportunities that enhance their skills for youth to experience a diversity of quality learning styles and frameworks.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
2017 Funding Statement for Philadelphia (view here)
Funding Stream: Youth Leadership
Grant Project: Youth Action
Funding Details: $17,500 USD per year for two years
Philadelphia Youth Action, Inc. is seeking a grant for general operating support to expand our overall programmatic impact. This goal can be broken down into three categories: program enhancement, operations and strategic planning. The objective is that through tackling these three categories, we will be able to both face our challenges and enhance our strengths to become a more effective organization.
Grant Project: Girls Justice Summer Institute
Funding Details: $15,000 USD per year for two years
The Summer Girls Justice Institute is an intensive social activism training program for twenty high school-aged grade girls. Through a combination of didactic and experiential learning and teaching, girls who complete the program will have the skills and knowledge to use data, media, and community organizing tools to launch social justice campaigns on issues of importance. Each girl selected for the Institute will receive a one-year Social Change Fellowship: $200 upon completion of the Summer Institute. Girls who complete the Summer Institute are eligible for a stipend for Saturday Institute participation during the calendar school year - 2 sessions per month.
Grant Project: SquashSmarts Leadership Initiative
Funding Details: $20,000 USD per year for two years
SquashSmarts invests in the leadership potential for our students. Our programming is intentionally designed to empower the voices of our boys and girls, to lay the foundation and ground work for future active community members and leaders. SquashSmarts Leadership Initiative (SLI) exposes students to advocacy, community organizing and long-term personal development through our Citizenship and Preparation Initiatives, which includes the NUSEA Citizenship Tour, our Summer Boarding Opportunities, which inspire new ideas and goals for students’ academic and athletic careers, and our new Operation Coach Partnership that offers support for sports-based youth development organizations.
Funding Stream: Sports Based Youth Development
Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadlephia
Grant Project: Cadence Youth Cycling
Funding Details: $25,000 USD per year for two years
CYC fosters healthy habits, independence, and leadership in Philadelphia youth through the sport of cycling. The base of CYC’s Leadership Ladder is Core programming, which engages youth in beginner road cycling. The next level is the All Star Team, offering year-round cycling and leadership opportunities including competitive races, triathlons, endurance rides, community service, and bicycle advocacy. Next, the CYC Leadership Squad consists of 10 youth who manage a six-week project-based learning experience each summer. The Youth Advisory Committee is the peak of the Leadership Ladder, empowering 4 youth to share ideas and steer the program’s direction.
Girls on the Run
Grant Project: Expansion of Girls on the Run Program to 20 Sites in Philadelphia County
Funding Details: $15,000 USD per year for two years
Girls on the Run Philadelphia will bring its transformational physical activity-based positive youth development program to low-income girls in Phiadelphia. The program will teach 3rd through 8th girls life skills through dynamic interactive lessons and running games. The ten-week season culminated with the girls being physically and emotionally prepared to complete a 5K. The goal of the program is to unleash confidence through accomplishment while establishing a lifetime appreciation of health and fitness.
Youth Mentoring Partnership
Grant Project: Maximizing the Impact of the Coach-Team Model
Funding Details: $35,000 USD per year for two years
The Youth Mentoring Partnership’s project “Maximizing the Impact of the Coach-Team Model” assesses how to effectively and efficiently deploy staff, volunteers, and partners to deliver its Gritness Physical Education, Friend Fitness, and Coaches of Excellence programs to Philadelphia area middle and high school youth. At program sessions, coach-mentors guide students through the “grit” workout routine, encouraging 100% effort and creating an environment where all students can achieve. Through a curriculum that reinforces that grit, teaches goal-setting, and promotes gratitude practice, students apply the lessons from the gym, classroom and sports arena to real world challenges to achieve lifetime success.
Students Run Philly Style
Grant Project: Targeted Reach, Training the Trainer, Research and Evaluation
Funding Details: $30,000 USD per year for two years
Support from the Horner Foundation will directly support the recruitment, support, and evaluation of SRPS’ outreach to the most vulnerable Philadelphia youth. Specifically:
1. Targeted Service: SRPS will recruit 15 schools (300 students) located in the most vulnerable neighborhoods or serving youth facing the greatest adversity.
2. Training the Trainer: Through a partnership with Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), SRPS will develop and disseminate trauma-informed trainings for mentors.
3. Research & Evaluation: SRPS will partner with the CHOP and Temple University to study the effects of stress and activity and the impact of social networks on youth.
Boy Scouts of America, Cradle of Liberty Council
Grant Project: Scoutreach: Physical Fitness, Citizenship, Character, and Leadership Development for Underserved Youth
Funding Details: $15,000 USD per year for two years
Over the course of the next two years, Scoutreach aims to increase program opportunities for middle and high school-aged boys, increase leadership training for Scoutreach Boy Scouts, and send more participants to camp. In 2016, 98% of Scoutreach participants were ages 6-14. To better serve middle and high school youth, the Council is continuing an intitiative that organizes new Boy Scout Troops in close proximity to robust Scoutrach Packs. This inititiative provides opportunities for new youth to join Scouting as well as provides a convenient place for Scoutreach Cub Scouts to transititon once they graduate to Boy Scouts.
Beat the Streets
Grant Project: Middle School Wrestling and Tutoring Program
Funding Details: $17,500 USD per year for two years
Middle school wrestling and tutoring program - additional 40 students with onsite mentoring. Meals and equipment provided. Works well in inner city schools. Good measurement and track record. Angela Duckworth’s GRIT measurement 12 point scale. 77% retention rate and, with mentoring, 100 % retention. Presently serve 1200 students. They have a junior Internship Program.
Cambridgeshire & Northamptonshire, England
2017 Funding Statement for England (view here)
Funding Stream: Sports Based Youth Development
Kings Heath Boxing Club
Grant Project: Girls Change Room
Funding Details: $10,000 USD per year for two years
Install Girls Change room (quote provided)
Disability Peterborough (Inspire Peterborough)
Grant Project: Special Olympics Peterborough
Funding Details: $26,000 USD per year for two years
Special Olympics Peterborough will offer every young person age 12 to 25 years with a learning disability in Peterborough the following:- · Opportunity to take part in fun and safe sport and leisure activity to improve their own health and wellbeing · Provide more choice about which sport and leisure activity, where they can undertake it at a cost which is affordable · Be inclusive so the whole family and carers can take part in the sport and activity to improve social skills · Offer volunteering opportunities and our EQUIP sports coaching courses to provide new skills, improving independence and qualifications for life Note: we have chosen 25 years as many young people with a learning disability stay in further education until they are 25 and we wish to be as inclusive as possible
Adrenaline Alley
Grant Project: Adrenaline Training Program
Funding Details: $29,000 USD per year for two years
Adrenaline Alley will enable 110 young people from across Corby and the Northamptonshire to access qualifications in BMX, skateboarding, scootering and Inline skating to develop coaching, riding, academic and life skills. Over 2 years, students will be supported through a training framework to increase and improve their academic potential particularly focusing on disadvantaged young people who would otherwise not be able to access these opportunities. In partnership with Northampton University, this will be the first step towards Adrenaline Alley becoming the first Urban Training Academy in the UK.
iDID Adventure CIO
Grant Project: Corby Climbing Program
Funding Details: $40,000 USD per year for two years
To improve the organization's sustainability, iDID has identified an opportunity to build an indoor climbing centre in Corby, Northamptonshire.
Corby Climbing Centre will focus on the sport of bouldering which is low level climbing without the use of ropes. (From this to this). iDID provides two specialist programmes which focus on intervention support for young people targeting specific life stages through adolescence; using adventure sports as a platform to increase engagement and recreational programmes which provide a safe environment for young people to express themselves, free from every day stresses. The climbing centre will be open to the general public and attract schools, community groups and private hire.
San Francisco East Bay, California, US
2017 Funding Statement for the East Bay Area (view here)
Funding Stream: Food-Based Youth Development
Grant Project: Richmond High School Urban Agriculture Institute
Funding Details: $20,000 USD per year for two years
Over the next two years, the Urban Agriculture Institute will serves as an education, empowerment, and employment hub training 60 students over two years in mindfulness, food justice, civic engagement, and organic agriculture production and as an project site for Urban Tilth’s Summer Apprenticeship Program employing 8-10 Richmond youth every summers for a 6 week, 100 hour, intensive agricultural/green job training program. The Urban Agriculture Institute is an extension of Urban Tilth’s mission to provide quality educational opportunities for our Richmond youth to become the next generation of healthy leaders, informed eaters, and catalysts of positive community change.
Phat Beets Produce (with Growing Together & SUDA)
Grant Project: Growing Justice: Farm to Fork Youth Entrepreneurship
Funding Details: $50,000 USD per year for two years
Phat Beets Produce is working together with Growing Together and Sustainable Urban Design Academy (SUDA) at Castlemont High School to train Castlemont High School students and other East Oakland youth in intensive urban food production, small healthy food business incubation through the Phat Beetz Youth Pickle & Catering Co. Entrepreneurship Program, and critical thinking through the Food As Medicine/Decolonize Your Diet Program Curriculum. This program is entitled “Growing Justice: Farm to Fork Youth Entrepreneurship
Grant Project: Youth Startup Lab
Funding Details: $15,000 USD per year for two years
Civil Labs is on a mission to activate young leaders of impacts in our community. Youth Startup Lab designs food services with underserved youth, engaging their hands, hearts and minds. We place graduates in jobs that provide them fair wages. Together we learn to be entrepreneurial leaders of impact. The future is bright.
Grant Project: Community of Practice Feasibility Study
Funding Details: up to $10,000 USD per year for two years
In development
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Boston Medical Center
Grant Project: TEAM (Teens Engaged as Mentors)
Funding Details: $22,500 USD per year for two years
TEAM (Teens Engaged as Mentors), empowers diverse children and adolescents in a unique mentorship model that encourages strong leadership, self‐confidence, and positive community engagement. TEAM inspires rich personal growth and development within each participant while encouraging independence, the identification of personal goals, and action plans for achieving them. TEAM fosters ongoing partnerships with programs and agencies from all across the city and focuses on strengthening social awareness through promoting the appreciation and understanding of differences as strengths. Consistent with Boston Medical Center's overarching mission of providing ""exceptional care without exception,"" this innovative teen mentoring program encourages empowerment in all participants.
2017-2019 GRANTEES
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